Mox Jet!
First I’d like to start with a classic, an Unlimited Mox Jet! This one is in pretty rough shape but features Dan Frazier’s signature to add a little bit of flair. I personally love artist signatures on cards and appreciate the fact that we have so many available in stock on the website.
Moving on, here is a complete set of the San Diego Comic-Con 2018 promos. Terese Nielsen did a fantastic job with these, the art here is absolutely stunning. The Gatewatch has never looked so good!
Next up we have some newer cards, Swamps, and Islands from Unstable. While these aren’t exactly rare, what made these stand out to me were the sheer quantity of them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many in one place!
I really love the art of the Unstable lands and have a draft set of them for Limited play. Who doesn’t love full art lands?
Speaking of lands, this week was chalk-full of them. One of the first buylists we processed this week had this beauty on it.As an Izzet mage, this card here is my holy grail. I love the art here, especially with the crisp colors that you get with a Beta card.
Definitely, something to aspire to as this card clocks in on our site at a whopping $15k, but for now, my French Revised Volcanic will do.
Lastly, I’d like to cheat a bit here and show off something that actually went out the door this week. Here we have a Summer Magic Underground Sea.
If that wasn’t enough, I got the chance to see not only another Beta Volcanic, but also a bunch of Alpha Duals!
If you’re unfamiliar with Summer Magic, here’s a brief overview from Magic Librarities:
“When the Revised Edition was in production in 1994, a number of problems with the set became apparent. The colors were washed out, the picture for Serendib Efreet was wrong, and there was a growing concern with the Satanic images on some of the cards. The solution was to print a fixed version of the Revised Edition, code named “Edgar”, which has since come to be known as Summer Magic because it was printed in the summer of 1994. The cards were distributed in regular Revised Edition boosters, but no Summer Edition starters were produced.”
While these cards are sought after for being incredibly rare, they also feature distinct, bold colors, as well as the 1994 printing date at the bottom of the card, setting it apart from normal Revised cards. While the print run of this set was incredibly small, some of these cards still pass through our doors from time to time.